Friday, December 19, 2014

How to get task details for a given task-id

Problem Statement :
  You want to get details about a task. You know the task id and you would like to fetch details like who is holding the task, who assigned this task, if its open or closed, the task subject, priority etc.

Solution :
  Use the following code. You need to have an input variable as tw.local.taskId (String) that has the task-id and an output variable of type BPM_Task. BPM_Task has the following simple variables in it:
  •   taskId (String)
  •   assignedUser (String)
  •   receivedFromUser (String)
  •   closedByUser (String)
  •   assignedGroup (String)
  •   status (String)
  •   subject (String)
  •   priority (String)
  •   receivedDate (Date)
  •   receivedDateString (String)
  •   dueDate (Date)
  •   dueDateString (String)
  •   readDate (Date)
  •   readDateString (String)
  •   closeDate (Date)
  •   closeDateString (String)
  •   instanceId (String)
var twSearch = new TWSearch();

var taskId = new TWSearchColumn();
taskId.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.ID;

var taskAssignedToUser = new TWSearchColumn();
taskAssignedToUser.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.AssignedToUser;

var taskReceivedFromUser = new TWSearchColumn();
taskReceivedFromUser.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.ReceivedFrom;

var taskClosedByUser = new TWSearchColumn();
taskClosedByUser.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.ClosedBy;

var taskAssignedToRole = new TWSearchColumn();
taskAssignedToRole.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.AssignedToRole;

var taskStatus = new TWSearchColumn();
taskStatus.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.Status;

var taskSubject = new TWSearchColumn();
taskSubject.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.Subject;

var taskPriority = new TWSearchColumn();
taskPriority.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.Priority;

var taskReceivedDate = new TWSearchColumn();
taskReceivedDate.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.ReceivedDate;

var taskDueDate = new TWSearchColumn();
taskDueDate.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.DueDate;

var taskReadDate = new TWSearchColumn();
taskReadDate.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.ReadDate;

var taskCloseDate = new TWSearchColumn();
taskCloseDate.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.Task; = TWSearchColumn.TaskColumns.ClosedDate;

var instanceId = new TWSearchColumn();
instanceId.type = TWSearchColumn.Types.ProcessInstance; = TWSearchColumn.ProcessInstanceColumns.ID;

twSearch.columns = new Array(taskId, taskAssignedToUser, taskReceivedFromUser, taskClosedByUser, taskAssignedToRole, taskStatus, taskSubject, taskPriority, taskReceivedDate, taskDueDate, taskReadDate, taskCloseDate, instanceId);

var searchCondition = new TWSearchCondition();
searchCondition.column = taskId;
searchCondition.operator = TWSearchCondition.Operations.Equals;
searchCondition.value = tw.local.taskId;

twSearch.conditions = new Array(searchCondition);

twSearch.organizedBy = TWSearch.OrganizeByTypes.Task;

var results = twSearch.execute();

if(results && results.rows && results.rows.length == 1) {
    var row = results.rows[0];
    tw.local.taskDetails = new tw.object.BPM_Task();
    tw.local.taskDetails.taskId = row.values[0].toString();
    tw.local.taskDetails.assignedUser = row.values[1]?row.values[1].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.receivedFromUser = row.values[2]?row.values[2].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.closedByUser = row.values[3]?row.values[3].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.assignedGroup = row.values[4]?row.values[4].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.status = row.values[5]?row.values[5].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.subject = row.values[6]?row.values[6].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.priority = row.values[7]?row.values[7].toString():null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.receivedDate = row.values[8]?row.values[8]:null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.receivedDateString = tw.local.taskDetails.receivedDate?tw.local.taskDetails.receivedDate.format('MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss aaa'):null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.dueDate = row.values[9]?row.values[9]:null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.dueDateString = tw.local.taskDetails.dueDate?tw.local.taskDetails.dueDate.format('MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss aaa'):null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.readDate = row.values[10]?row.values[10]:null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.readDateString = tw.local.taskDetails.readDate?tw.local.taskDetails.readDate.format('MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss aaa'):null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.closeDate = row.values[11]?row.values[11]:null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.closeDateString = tw.local.taskDetails.closeDate?tw.local.taskDetails.closeDate.format('MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss aaa'):null;
    tw.local.taskDetails.instanceId = row.values[12]?row.values[12].toString():null;

Friday, November 7, 2014

Advance a Oracle Sequence to match the corresponding column maximum

Problem Statement :

You have a Oracle sequence that is lagging behind a columns value. That column is supposed to have unique values and when it tries to derive the value using the sequence it fails. Hence you would like to have a quick and dirty method to advance the value of the sequence to match the column's value.

Solution :

          i           INTEGER;
          max_row_id  INTEGER;
          select  MAX(<COLUMN_NAME>) INTO max_row_id
          FROM <TABLE_NAME>;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Max row id :' || max_row_id);
          select <SEQUENCE_NAME>.nextval INTO i from dual;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Starting with Sequence value :' || i);
            if i>=max_row_id then
<SEQUENCE_NAME>.nextval INTO i from dual;
            end if;     
          end loop;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Ending with Sequence value :' || i);

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Passing individual elements of list into multi-instance loop

Problem Statement

You have an activity that is implemented as a multi-instance loop. You want to pass each instance of the task a different data object to work on. You have sorted all the objects into a list. Now, you need to pick the appropriate object from the list and pass them into the individual tasks created by the multi-instance loop.


Use tw.system.step.counter. This holds the value of the loop counter in the multi-instance loop.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Run Task in Debug Mode on an offline Process Server

Problem Statement
Run a task in debug mode. This is useful if you are trying to debug an issue and want to go through individual steps. This is a trivial step in an online process server, but if the process-server is not connected to the Process Designer, this work around solution might help you.

Get the task ID.
Replace the task id and server host-name in the URL below.
https://<HOSTNAME>/teamworks/process.lsw?zWorkflowState=1&zTaskId=2078.<TASK ID>&zDbg=1

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bulk Delete BPD Instances in IBM BPM 7.5

Problem Statement
How do I delete a large number of instances for a given BPD in IBM BPM 7.5.

  1. Start by finding the BPD Reference Number of the BPD (whose instances you want to purge). This can be located at "BPD_REF" column of "LSW_BPD_INSTANCE" table.
  2. Use the PL SQL block provided below to purge the BPD Instances. Supply the BPD Reference at the appropriate position.

  CURSOR instancesToDelete (bpdRef IN NUMBER) IS
    WHERE BPD_REF = bpdRef;
  OPEN instancesToDelete(<BPD REFERENCE NUMBER>); 


    FETCH instancesToDelete  INTO BPDINSTANCEID;

    EXIT WHEN instancesToDelete%NOTFOUND;




Thursday, May 29, 2014

Linux Directory Tree

Problem Statement
Print a tree structure showing all the files and directories under the current directory.

 find ./ | sed -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g;s/--/ |-/'

CRONTAB - Quick Reference

Crontab Commands
crontab -e Edit your crontab file, or create one if it doesn’t already exist.
crontab -l Display your crontab file.
crontab -r Remove your crontab file.

Crontab syntax
A crontab file has five fields for specifying day , date and time followed by the command to be run at that interval.

*     *     *   *    *        command to be executed
-     -     -   -    -
|     |     |   |    |
|     |     |   |    +----- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
|     |     |   +------- month (1 - 12)
|     |     +--------- day of month (1 - 31)
|     +----------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------- min (0 - 59)

The value column can have a * or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number in the ranges shown above or two numbers in the range separated by a hyphen (meaning an inclusive range).
Crontab Example
A line in crontab file like below removes the tmp files from /home/someuser/tmp each day at 6:30 PM.

     30     18     *     *     *         rm /home/someuser/tmp/*
Disable Email
By default cron jobs sends a email to the user account executing the cronjob. If this is not needed put the following command At the end of the cron job line.

    >/dev/null 2>&1

Generate log file
To collect the cron execution execution log in a file :
    30 18 * * * rm /home/someuser/tmp/* > /home/someuser/cronlogs/clean_tmp_dir.log

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Adhoc Service Call in IBM BPM 7.5

Problem Statement 

You want to call a service residing outside of your toolkit/process-app. You know the name of the service, the process-app/toolkit acronym and possibly the snapshot name as well. You want to discover the service and execute it without having to go through the process of creating dependencies within your toolkit/process-app. Traditionally this is not possible, IBM BPM 7.5 provides API to call any service from JavaScript (Using tw.system.executeServiceByName()), but this can only execute the services that directly belong to the process-app/toolkit or any dependent toolkit(s). We want to break free of this limitation and execute any service on the environment.

Create a new Server-JS file and copy the following functions into it.
function findSnapshotForProcessApp(processApp, snapshotName) {
    var processAppObj = null;
    if(typeof processApp == 'string')
        processAppObj = tw.system.model.findProcessAppByAcronym(processApp);

    try {
        if(snapshotName) {
            return processAppObj.findSnapshotByName(snapshotName);
        else {
            var snaps = processAppObj.snapshots;
            if(snaps && snaps.length > 0)
                return snaps[snaps.length -1];
                return null;
    catch (e) {
      throw 'Error in findSnapshotForProcessApp : Required parameter "processApp" not provided or an invalid process-app acronym was provided.';
function executeServiceByNameAdHoc(serviceName, inputParams, processApp, snapshotName) {
    var snapshot = findSnapshotForProcessApp(processApp, snapshotName);
    if(snapshot) {
        var serv = snapshot.findServiceByName(serviceName);
        if(serv) {
            return serv.execute(inputParams);
        else // Service not found
           throw 'Error in executeServiceByNameAdHoc : No service found. Parameters provided : processApp=' + processApp + ", snapshotName=" + snapshotName + ", serviceName=" + serviceName;
    else // Snapshot not found
        throw 'Error in executeServiceByNameAdHoc : No snapshot found. Parameters provided : processApp=' + processApp + ", snapshotName=" + snapshotName;

Call the function executeServiceByNameAdHoc with the following parameters to execute any adhoc service.

* @param {String} serviceName The name of the service to execute
* @param {Map} inputValues the input values for the service
* @param {String} processApp : The Acronym for the process app in which the service resides.
* @param {String} (OPTIONAL) snapshotName : Name of the specific snapshot version to execute the service from.
* @return A map of output values
* @type Map


If you get a "ConcurrentModificationException" while trying to execute a service with multiple parameters, the go ahead and deploy the IBM APAR JR49178. This fixes a bug related to HashMap in the method com.lombardisoftware.core.script.js. TWServiceScriptable.jsFunction_execute(Object)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Update group membership of a user

Use the following steps to synchronize group membership of any user, connected to external directory services (LDAP, eDirectory) :

var sec =;

Friday, April 25, 2014

Use SAR to Monitor CPU Utilization

SAR (System Activity Reporting) is a common *nix utiliy that can be used to track cpu utilization, memory utilization etc.
A common scenario is the need capture cpu statistics during some kind of load testing and then later report on those.  To capture cpu statistics with SAR you can do the following:
  1. Logon to the host in question and make sure that sar is installed (run sar from the command line).
  2. To capture statistics every 2 seconds to a file called "mystats.sar" in your home directory, you would execute the following command: sar -o ~/mystats.sar -u 2 0 >/dev/null 2>&1.  Note that this will keep gathering statistics until you kill it using ctrl-c.
  3. To run that same command in the background add an "&" to the end.  You can also "nohup" it so that it keeps running after you logoff - but don't forget to turn it off.  If you background it, then you can find it by typing in "jobs" and it will show you all processes you have put in the background.  You can then kill it with "kill %<jobnum>".  Or you can put it in the foreground "fg %<jobnum>" and then kill it with ctrl-c.
  4. Now you have a file that contains sar statistics, you can retrieve the contents of the file using something like: sar -f ~/mystats.sar.  If you want to just take a timeslice from the file, then you can use the -s hh:mm:ss and -e hh:mm:ss parameters.
See the sar manual page (man sar) for more details.
On Production, SAR are being generated under this directory: /var/log/sa/

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

No edit privilege on a newly imported toolkit

Problem Statement

No edit privilege on a newly imported toolkit. Even though I have listed myself to have read-write permission, I'm not able to edit any artifact in the toolkit. The toolkit was imported recently into the process-center.


For any toolkit imported into the a process-center, from another process-center, the option "Allow users to update toolkit" is disabled by default. This check-box can be found in the "Manage" tab for the toolkit. This option is only available to the "Admins" of the toolkit. Check that option and restart your process-designer, you will be able to modify toolkit artifacts now.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Configuring Apache Load balancer URL

Problem Statement :

You have a clustered environment with 2 or more nodes or you have an Apache layer between the user and your application servers. The users access your application interfaces through the Apache layer, which is responsible for load-balancing, SSO, etc. But when you load the portal or admin console you find that some resources are directly referenced from the application server nodes instead of going through Apache.

Resolution :

Put the following into a file (101CustomLoadBalancer.xml) and place it at


    <authoring-environment merge="mergeChildren">
        <images-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/teamworks</images-prefix>
        <portal-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/portal</portal-prefix>
        <servlet-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/teamworks</servlet-prefix>
        <webapi-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/webapi</webapi-prefix>
        <repository-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/ProcessCenter</repository-prefix>
        <process-help-wiki-url-view merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/processhelp/en/%TITLE%?teamworksTitle=%TEAMWORKS_TITLE%</process-help-wiki-url-view>
        <process-help-wiki-url-edit merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/processhelp/en/Special:Edit?topic=%TITLE%&amp;teamworksTitle=%TEAMWORKS_TITLE%</process-help-wiki-url-edit>
    <common merge="mergeChildren">
        <portal-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/portal</portal-prefix>
        <process-admin-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/ProcessAdmin</process-admin-prefix>
        <!-- Disable for Process Center -->
        <teamworks-webapp-prefix merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/teamworks</teamworks-webapp-prefix>
        <coach-designer-xsl-url merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/teamworks/coachdesigner/transform/CoachDesigner.xsl</coach-designer-xsl-url>
        <webservices merge="mergeChildren">
            <base-url merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/teamworks/webservices</base-url>
        <xml-serialization merge="mergeChildren">
            <default-namespace-uri merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/schema/</default-namespace-uri>
    <server merge="mergeChildren">
        <repository-server-url merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/ProcessCenter</repository-server-url>
        <email merge="mergeChildren">
            <mail-template merge="mergeChildren">
                <client-link merge="replace">https://<APACHE URL>/teamworks</client-link>

Friday, March 14, 2014

CSS Override causing validation errors during migration from 6.2 to 7.5

Problem Statement

When you import any process artifact from Teamworks 6.2 into IBM BPM 7.5, that has coach(s) containing CSS override, it creates a validation error. The error is marked on an empty web-app file that looks similar to “&lt;#=tw.local.css#&gt;”.

Why is this problem encountered

In Teamworks 6.2, you could provide CSS overrides by providing path to the CSS file in the “CSS Override” field. Often this path was fetched from an EPV, local variable or localization resources. The value was passed using the “<#= #>” notation. An illustration of is shown below:

Whereas in IBM BPM 7.5, you cannot use variables (EPV, Localization or Local) to specify the CSS override. You select one of the “Managed Files” as your CSS override. This is outlined below :

Therefore, when you import a service with a coach from 6.2 and import it into 7.5, it tries to fetch the contents of the CSS file by using the contents inside the CSS override box. But, instead of evaluating the variable’s value, it uses it literally as it is. Hence, it cannot find the CSS file’s contents and ends up creating an empty managed file, with a pointer to that empty file in the coach.

 Using approach taken by IBM BPM 7.5 may not be preferable because of one or more of the following reasons:
  1. Your CSS files are not maintained as managed files. Instead they are kept on the web-server or some content management system.
  2. You want the flexibility of using different CSS files based upon the user preferences (Themes).
  3. You want the look and feel to be uniform and easily customizable (hence you choose to store the CSS override file’s location in an EPV)

How to resolve the issue

The simplest way to resolve this is as follows.
  1. Delete the empty file created through the import.
  2. Note down the variable used for CSS override. For example “tw.epv.UAM.PNCCSS”.
  3. Go to the CSS tab for the coach and use the @import syntax as shown below@import url('<#= tw.epv.UAM.PNCCSS + "" #>')
  4. Remove the link to the empty file in CSS Override.

Monday, January 27, 2014

How to get Snapshot ID of the current context

Use the call "" to fetch the ID of the currently execution snapshot.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

BPM 7.5 PO Type Codes

CODE TABLE NAME Common Name 1 Common Name 2
1  "LSW_PROCESS"  "process"  "Service"
2  "LSW_IC"  "integrationComponent"  "IC"
3  "LSW_CONNECTOR"  "connector"  "Connector"
4  "LSW_UCA"  "underCoverAgent"  "UCA"
7  "LSW_WEB_SERVICE"  "webService"  "WebService"
8  null  "webScript"  "WebScript"
11  "LSW_REPORT"  "report"  "Report"
12  "LSW_CLASS"  "twClass"  "VariableType"
13  "LSW_SCBD"  "scoreboard"  "Scoreboard"
14  "LSW_TRACKING_GROUP"  "trackingGroup"  "TrackingGroup"
15  "LSW_TIMING_INTERVAL"  "timingInterval"  "TimingInterval"
20  "LSW_LAYOUT"  "layout"  "Layout"
21  "LSW_EPV"  "epv"  "EPV"
22  null  "globalVariable"  "GlobalVariable"
24  "LSW_PARTICIPANT"  "participant"  "Participant"
25  "LSW_BPD"  "bpd"  "BPD"
30  "LSW_PRIORITY"  "priority"  "Priority"
31  null  "calendar"  "Calendar"
40  null  "customStatus"  "CustomStatus"
42  null  "alertSeverity"  "AlertSeverity"
43  "LSW_INFOPATH_FORM"  "infoPathForm"  "InfoPathForm"
47  "LSW_SLA"  "sla"  "SLA"
49  "LSW_METRIC"  "metric"  "Metric"
50  "LSW_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_GROUP"  "resourceBundleGroup"  "ResourceBundleGroup"
51  "LSW_USER_ATTRIBUTE_DEF"  "userAttributeDefinition"  "UserAttributeDefinition"
52  "LSW_SIM_SCENARIO"  "simulationScenario"  "SimulationScenario"
53  "LSW_HIST_SCENARIO"  "historicalScenario"  "HistoricalScenario"
54  "LSW_ORG_CHART"  "orgChart"  "OrgChart"
60  "LSW_EXTERNAL_ACTIVITY"  "externalActivity"  "ExternalActivity"
61  "LSW_MANAGED_ASSET"  "managedAsset"  "ManagedAsset"
62  "LSW_ENV_VAR_SET"  "environmentVariableSet"  "EnvironmentVariableSet"
63  "LSW_PROJECT_DEFAULTS"  "projectDefaults"  "ProjectDefaults"
2001  null  "alertType"  "AlertType"
2005  "LSW_BREAKPOINT"    
2006  "LSW_BPD_EVENT"    
2013  "LSW_EPV_VAR"    
2014  "LSW_EPV_VAR_VALUE"    
2015  "LSW_FAVORITE"    
2022  "LSW_LAUNCHER"    
2023  "LSW_LAYOUT_PARAM"    
2025  "LSW_PROCESS_ITEM"    
2027  "LSW_PROCESS_LINK"    
2030  "LSW_REPORT_PAGE"    
2031  "LSW_REPORT_CHART"    
2037  "LSW_REPORT_TG_LINK"    
2041  "LSW_SCBD_RPT_LINK"    
2044  "LSW_UCA_SYNC_QUEUE"    
2045  "LSW_UCA_BLACKOUT"    
2046  "LSW_UCA_PARM"    
2047  "LSW_USR"    
2048  "LSW_USR_XREF"    
2049  "LSW_USR_ATTR"    
2052  "LSW_WEB_SERVICE_OP"    
2063  "LSW_BRANCH"    
2064  "LSW_SNAPSHOT"    
2065  "LSW_DEPLOYMENT"    
2066  "LSW_PROJECT" "Process App" "Process App"
2068  "LSW_SERVER"    
2069  "LSW_PROJECT_DEPENDENCY" "toolkit" "toolkit"
2072  "LSW_BPD_INSTANCE"    
2075  "LSW_USR_GRP_XREF"    
2076  "LSW_RELEASE"    
2077  "LSW_ENV_VAR_VAL"    
2078  "LSW_TASK"    
2080  "LSW_FILE"    
2081  "LSW_TASK_NARR"    
2082  "LSW_TASK_ADDR"    
2085  "LSW_TASK_IPF_DATA"    
2087  "LSW_USR_ASSUME"    
2090  "LSW_DEP_PATH"    
2091  "LSW_PO_REFERENCE"    
2092  "LSW_ENV_VAR_DEFAULT"  "environmentDefault"  "EnvironmentDefault"
2093  "LSW_ENV_TYPE"    
2094  "LSW_ENV_VAR"  "environmentVariable"  "EnvironmentVariable"
2095  "LSW_RT_REFERENCE"    
2097  "LSW_TIME_PERIOD"    
2100  "LSW_ACL_ENTRY"    
2101  "LSW_SMART_FOLDER"  "SmartFolder"  null
2106  "LSW_ENV_VAR_TYPE"    
6001  "BPM_CONTRIBUTION"  "contribution"  "Contribution"
6003  "BPM_ARTIFACT"  "artifact"  "Artifact"