Monday, January 13, 2014

Calling services in iFrame

In version 6.2 to invoke any service in an URL we used the “teamworks/process.lsw? zWorkflowState=5&zProcessName=” pattern. But in version 7.5 we need to use “/teamworks/executeServiceByName?processApp=<APP-ACRONYM>&serviceName=” pattern. As you could notice it takes an extra parameter for “processApp”, which is used to identify the process-app or toolkit in which the service resides.

Along with the change in URL pattern, we need to follow the new convention for passing input values in URL. 7.5 uses “.” notation instead of “_”. Simply put if you used “tw_local_userName” in 6.2 to pass the username parameter as input, you need to modify that to “tw.local.userName” in 7.5.

To make any service callable through URL it needs to be a “Human service” and also has to be set as an “Exposed Service” in the “Overview” tab. Appropriate access control has be provided while exposing a service. If the service is supposed to be called via URL, the “Exposed As” parameter must be set as “URL”.

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